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Achemasia 2010
Achemasia 2010
Achemasia 2010
8th International Exhibition-Congress on Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
8th International Exhibition-Congress on Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology

We shall exhibit between the 1 and 4 June 2010 in Beijing, our products in Achemasia 2010, the 8th International Exhibition-Congress on Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology

Create on 26/04/2010 11:31
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BAMO Mesures SAS
22, Rue de la Voie des Bans
Parc d'activités de la Gare
95100 ARGENTEUIL France
Tel: +33 1 30 25 83 20
Fax: +33 1 34 10 16 05
Siret: 314 055 864 000 65
TVA Intra: FR 08 314 055 864
APE: 2651 B
Capital: 400 000 Euros
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