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Measure and control of TURBIDITY
Measure and control of TURBIDITY
Measure and control of TURBIDITY
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3 new products

1) GA/IR 102 : Continuous measure
2) Trubomat GS3 : On -OFF control of turbidity
3) MUDLINE : portable
4) BAMOPORT 9270 : Portable turbidity meter

Our turbidity measuring systeme, TRUBOMAT, is determinating liquide turbidity (transparency) by using infra-red absorption principle from ISO7027 normes
GAB/IR102 sensors are using two infra-red emitters and one receiver to measure this turbidiry
Each sensors GAB/IR102 is constitued by a receiving modul with integrated microprocessor (for data treatement) and twe emitters.

Sensor is generating a 4 to 20 mA signal proportionnal from selected measuring scale
Measuring span from 0,1 to 1000 NTU on 2 differents models
First model : 0,1 to 20 NTU on 4 scales (min 0,1 to 3 NTU) for clear and drinking water
Second model : 1 to 1000 NTU for wast water and process

Sensors probes construction : PVC , PPh or Stainless Steel with different connction

Create on 28/08/2004 19:01
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