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- PVC, PPh, SS316, PTFE realization. - Titanium electrodes. - For circulation or immersio measure. - With or without temperature probe.
In association only with BAMOTETRA or BAMOTROL.Those electronics deliver a constant alternative currant is forwarded between two opposite electrodes. The signal (on tension forme), collected by 2 central electrodes, will be proportionnal to the real conductivity variation.
Process connection:PVC 1” PPh 1” SS 316 3/4” Probe length:63 mm for circulation 1000 mm for immersion (Others on request) Wirering:Screw terminal integrated in waterproof head Temperature probe:Pt 100 Ohm at 0°C
General Catalog 345-01 28/10/2010 08:58
4 electrodes systems probes BS 400
BAMO Mesures SAS
22, Rue de la Voie des Bans Parc d'activités de la Gare
95100 ARGENTEUIL France