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General Catalog 540-01
Level control with resistives probes

  • For all conductive liquids 
  • From 1 to 5 electrodes 
  • All motionless parts 
  • Adjustable lengths on site 
  • Maximum pressure 15 bar 
  • Maximum temperature 110°C 
  • Process connections in PPh or stainless steel 316 
  • Rods are in stainless steel or titanium

The difference of electrical resistance when electrodes are immerged in the conductive fluid switches a contact relay ES 2001 (please refer to documentation 530).


Control or regulation of level fluid in open or closed tanks, flumes, etc.
Detection of fluid or lack of fluid in pipes, fluid leakage, pumps protection...


Each probe is made of 3 main parts:
- The housing: in PPh with cable gland 9 mm. Protection IP 65.
- Process connection: assures also electrical insulation between the rods, and with the tank. Material: PPh or stainless steel 316 Ti.
- Rods: 1 to 5 according to the model. Material: stainless steel 316 L or titanium (on request). Standard lengths are 500 to 2 000 mm and should be adjusted on site.


A vertical mounting above the tank is the best; if it is not possible, the limit angle is 45°C, downward. Caution: it is necessary to avoid any short circuit due to the liquid standing between two rods.
Verify concordance of pressure, temperature and chemical resistance of the probe with the process conditions. Caution: it is necessary to avoid damages due to vapours and condensation. Our technicians may help you to choose a model.
If possible, do not fit a plastic connection probe on metal: it could destroy the thread probe; blocking nuts are available.
If there are fluid turbulences, take care of accidental rods touching originating false signals; sheathed rods are available, or a tranquilization area could be a solution.
If the fluid creates deposit or vapours exist: it is necessary to avoid any electrical short circuit between rods with sheathed rods.
To determine number of necessary rods: 1 for each level + 1 reference rod if the tank is not of an electrical conductive material.

General Catalog 540-01
17/04/2018 11:12
Level control with resistives probes
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BAMO Mesures SAS
22, Rue de la Voie des Bans
Parc d'activités de la Gare
95100 ARGENTEUIL France
Tel: +33 1 30 25 83 20
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Siret: 314 055 864 000 65
TVA Intra: FR 08 314 055 864
APE: 2651 B
Capital: 400 000 Euros
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