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General Catalog 765-01
DB Serie
DB Serie
Orifice plate flowmeter
DB Serie

  • Designed for agressive fluids
  • Direct reading indicator
  • From ND 50 up to ND 200 pipes
  • Scale amplification from 2 to 10.
  • Mounting in all positions
  • Standardized with NF X 10-102 Norm
  • Accuracy: ± 2,5 % full scale
  • Option: Electrical switch counter

Diaphragm is inserted between 2 flanges in the main duct. The differential pressure is transmitted to the exterior via 2 pressure ports on each diaphragm face. This pressure is proportional to the flow rate square in circulation inside of the duct. A flowmeter, mounting in derivation allow a direct reading of the flow rate. To obtain a strictly proportional to the main flow rate, a BORDA injector is insert before or after flowmeter.
This flowmeter can be replaced by a counter, allowing a totalization.
Orifices can be only delivered in stainless steel 316 L, or with pressure ports directly on steel or stainless steel. Their accuracy is 1%, diameters are from 50 and 60 mm. We supply flowmeter with special graduation for derivated measure on all existing diaphragm, only if specifications are given before graduation.


Measuring range : From 2 to 350 m3/h (see table on the back)
Accuracy: ± 3 % (DB/IDP) ± 4 % (DB/PDP)
Repeatability: ± 0,3 % (DB/IDP) ± 0,4 % (DB/PDP)
Scale amplification: 2 to 10 (DB/IDP) 2,5 to 10 (DB/PDP)

Max. temperature :
50°C - PVC
90° - PPH
120°C - PVDF

Max. pressure : 10 bar (20°C)


Diaphragm: PVC - PPH - PVDF

Flowmeter associated:
Trogamid (DB/IDP-T - DB/PDP-T)
Polysulfon (DB/IDP-P - DB/PDP-P)

Float: PVDF
Supply line: PVC - PPH - PVDF
Stop valves: PVC - PPH - PVDF
O-Ring: EPDM (standard) - FPM (on request)
BORDA injector: PVC - PPH - PVDF


For DB/IDP: Electrical switch ZE 951
For DB/PDP: Electrical switch ZE 951


Ranges indicated on the attached board, for DB/PDP flowmeters , are not contractual, but can be modified within flow rate or diameter.
For DB IDP, minima flow rates have to be multiplied by 1,25.
Flow rates are indicated for PVC NP 10 pipes. In all events, the thickness and the exact interior diameter pipe have to be specified, so we may assure the specifications of the system.


The loss of charge is the difference of pressure between upstream and dowmstream unrecoverable, create by the orifice.
This loss of charge can be calculated on request.


The installation conditions are useful to warrant a coherent measure in the range of precision.
The straight pipe lenghts upstream of the orifice, undermentioned, are given for indication.


The union nuts will be center with the flange of fixation as precisely as possible. The union nut arrest boards should be of the same diameter than intern diameter of tube, to avoid perturbation in liquid flow.
On resquest, we can deliver union nuts, flanges and screew.

To specify for any command order

Fluid: .......
Temperature: .......°C
Volumic mass: .......Kg/m3 or Kg/Nm3
Max flow to measure: .......m3/h or Nm3 /h
Diameter of main duct:
Thickness of duct :
Material of the duct: .......

Sense of circulation:
HB mounting, Left / Right
HH mounting, Left / Right
HB mounting, Right / Left
HH mounting, Right / Left

VB mounting, From bottom to top
VH mounting, From bottom to top
VB mounting, From top to bottom
VH mounting, From top to bottom

General Catalog 765-01
17/04/2018 11:53
Orifice plate flowmeter
DB Serie
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