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General Catalog 320-01
BAMOSET 812 / 912
BAMOSET 812 / 912
Resistivity-meter & Conductivity-meter
BAMOSET 812 / 912
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-Measuring range in ? or µS
-2 adjustable volt free output relays
-0/4 to 20 mA analogic output
-LCD Display
-Associated probes coefficient 0.1
-812 device type: Resistivity-meter
-912 device type: Conductivity-meter
-Housing: Enclosure box (DIN 72 X 144)
: IP 55 wall mounting
The resistivity - conductivity meter BAMOSET 812/ 912 has been developed for simple measuring applications without automatic temperature compensation. If a compensation is required (temperature variations), the BAMOCOR 321 will be imperative (see doc. RES 321).
IP 20 enclosure box (DIN 72 x 144) version or IP 55 wall mounting with a transparent protection cover are available, they work perfectly in all industrial process applications.
Probes with coefficient 0.1 are recommended for these meters. A complete range is available to measure in line or in immersion (see doc RES 360/2).
Main power supply:230 V / 60 Hz mono (Autres S/Dde)
Consumption:? 10 VA
Measuring range:Indication 1-10 to define in the order
Resistivity: 1 -10 K? up to 2 - 20 M?
Conductivity: 0,1 - 1 µs up to 100 - 200 µs
Probes:Coefficient 0,1
Accuracy:± 1%
Setting:By pushbutton, with value display
Output relays: 2 Volt free change over contact
rated at 500 VA / 250 V / 3A
High or low adjustable alarm
Analogic output:0/4 to 20 mA (max. 600 ?).
Option : Output with galvanic insulating (IG Ref.)
Housings:IP 20 Enclosure box (DIN 72 x 144)
2 extractible connector blocks
Option: IP 55 transparent cover with locking by key (CV 72 Ref.)

IP 55 Wall mounting
Transparent cover with on-hinges mounting
Screwed connector blocks
Connections by 9 mm cable glands
General Catalog 320-01
28/10/2010 08:58
Resistivity-meter & Conductivity-meter
BAMOSET 812 / 912
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